Top 5 homework tips for parents

When parents take an active interest in their children's schoolwork, it demonstrates to them that what they do matters.

Of course, assisting with schoolwork shouldn't entail sitting at a desk for hours. Parents may help their children by modeling study and organizing habits, clarifying a difficult subject, or just urging them to take a break. And who knows what could happen? Parents could even pick up a few tips!

Here are some pointers to help you along the way:

Know who your professors are and what they're looking for in a student

Meet your child's instructors by attending school activities such as parent-teacher conferences. Inquire about their homework policies and how you might help.

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Create a space that is conducive to doing schoolwork

Ascertain that your children have a well-lit area in which to conduct their schoolwork. Maintain easy access to resources such as paper, pencils, glue, and scissors.

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Make it a habit to study on a regular basis

Some children like to work in the afternoon after a snack and play break, while others prefer to wait until after supper.

Assist them in developing a strategy

Encourage your youngster to split up work into reasonable parts on busy homework nights or when there's a particularly large task to do. Make a nighttime work plan if required, and arrange a 15-minute break every hour if feasible.

Keep the number of distractions to a bare minimum

There will be no television, loud music, or phone calls. (On rare occasions, though, a phone call to a classmate for help with an assignment might be beneficial.)

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